Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Leadership styles, behaviors and relevant situational factors. Maple Assignment

Leadership styles, behaviors and relevant situational factors. Maple Leaf Food - Assignment Example Maple Leaf Foods (stock market symbol TSX:MFI) is one of Canada’s major food processing companies. As its chief executive officer, McCain holds the strings that control the subordinates. With the strings, Michael McCain can instruct the employees to give their best to produce high quality products to the company’s current and prospective clients. Michael McCain is new in the company. Formerly, Michael McCain was one of the owners of the very popular McCain food products company, which is located in the heart of Canada. Consequently, Michael McCain brings with him many years of experience as one of the managers of his former family-owned company. His former company is also engage in the food processing business. 2. Description of leader’s context (main constituents and the various situation forces at play) Michael McCain heads the company that sells food products to the Canadian public. The company’s original name is Canada Packers. It was Canada’s producer of the biggest volume of food products. The company’s major food product is grounded on hogs. The company ships hog-based products to the United Kingdom. The company also sells cheese products. The company ventures into hog and poultry based food business products. Robert Kelley (1988) 2insists that all corporations sometimes succeed or fail, compete or crumble, on the basis of how they are being management, in the case of McCain, the subordinates can sit back, relax, and enjoy the leadership of McCain as he steers the Maple Leaf Management outside the August 2008 food poisoning crisis smoothly and effortlessly. In 2008, the company ordered the recall of many of its tainted products. The tainted products came from one of its food processing plants. Consequently, Maple Leaf Management ordered the closure of its c ulprit plant. The closure was necessary to bring back the company’s tarnished image. With the announcement of the guilty plant facility, Maple Leaf Management sought to retrieve its former glory of being the producer of one of the most popular and high selling food processing plants in Canada. On that fateful August 24, 2008 date, Maple Leaf Management ordered the closure of its failed Toronto, Canada Plant. The spoiled Maple Leaf Management products cause the deaths of five individuals. In addition more than 24 individuals were treated for eating the spoiled food. Because of the spoiled food consequences, the Government of Canada issued warnings to the public to temporarily avoid buying some of the Maple Leaf Management products. The warning was in place until the cloud of spoilage hovering over the skies of Canada’s communities, is resolved. The Canadian government agency, Public Health Agency of Canada, emphasized that the bacteria, Listeria strain, was the culprit. Many of the customers of Maple Leaf Management either died or were hospitalized for food poisoning in August of 2008. In response to the August 2008 bacteria outbreak where four persons died and many others suffered from food poisoning, Maple Leaf Management ordered the recall of all its products. The move is a good marketing strategy. The marketing strategy was to prioritize the safety of its current and prospective clients, the food customers. The outbreak was called Listeriosis.

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